Our Expertise

A Holistic View Of Facility & Operational Needs

Orchestrating all of the components that contribute to a successful development program for a new facility is a tremendous task.

That is why at Hunt Campus Solutions, we are specifically designed to provide complete turnkey oversight of this highly specialized development process. Our project solution customized by Hunt Campus Solutions for facilities, helps owners achieve their project’s fullest potential. Relying on our years of expertise as planners, designers, program managers, operations specialists and engineers, we help you navigate through each facet of the development process. Our experts work alongside you to ensure you deliver the most efficient, effective and safest facility for the least cost possible.

<strong>Services</strong> Provided

Services Provided

  • Complete Project Oversight
  • Design Team and Contractor Procurement
  • On-Site Representation
  • Scheduling
  • Standards and Testing Management
  • Change Order Control
  • Warranty Management
  • Activation and Move-In
  • Post-Occupancy Review
  • Design Compliance Monitoring
  • Cost Management
  • Quality Management
  • Energy Management
Meet Our Owner's Representation Experts
The Team

Meet Our Owner's Representation Experts

Gregory Westbrook

Gregory Westbrook, FMA, CEFP

Chief Operating Officer
Landon Carrell

Landon Carrell

Director of Operations
Learn About Our
Development & Finance

Development & Finance

Using our extensive experience with public-private partnerships, we are able to unlock value in existing assets and to maximize client budgets for obtaining new facilities.

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Learn About Our
Facility Management & Maintenance

Facility Management & Maintenance

We will be your strategic partner to help you make the best decisions with your valuable resources. This includes performing facility condition assessments, lifecycle analysis, capital budgeting and planning, and process improvements for sustainability and energy conservation.

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